Saturday July 23 2016

9:00am- Good morning to lots of Fog! We don’t often encounter it in Newport Beach but it was an obstacle to overcome today. After checking the satellite picture Capt Ryan headed 4 miles out to where it seemed to lift. We found a great pod of about 30 dolphins to start with. We chased some more blue sky and found a much larger group of 150 common dolphin as well- but no whales! The seas were calm and it was a great time, though.

11:30am- Fog still sticking around, again we went out far, this time 8 miles to find some sun. Breaking through the fog bank, we saw about 200 common dolphin and a humpback whale! It was a super trip!

3:00pm- Skies clearing but bringing some strong wind from the SouthEast- it was bumpy, but with the good visibility we finally found lots of whales. As many as 6 humpbacks feeding 4 miles off Newport, in an area which was previously obscured by the fog. Some of the whales were jumping and tail lobbing- very exciting!


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