(9:00 tern) 200 common dolphin, 50 bottlenose dolphin (Patches’ pod)
(9:00 RD2) 200 common dolphin, 50 bottlenose dolphin (Patches’ pod)
(9:00 extended trip) 750 common dolphin, 25 Risso’s dolphin, 25 bottlenose dolphin
(12:00 tern) 200 common dolphin, 50 bottlenose dolphin (Patches’ pod)
(12:00 RD2) 100 common dolphin
(3:00 tern) 1 humpback whale, 500 common dolphin
(3:00 RD2) 1 humpback whale, 300 common dolphin
(5:30 tern) 200 common dolphin, 50 bottlenose dolphin (Patches’ pod)
(5:30 RD2) 500 common dolphin, 50 bottlenose dolphin (Patches’ pod)
(5:30 extended trip) 750 common dolphin, 50 bottlenose dolphin (Patches’ pod)
Photo of the day by photographer/deckhand Delaney Trowbridge of Patches the famous bottlenose dolphin seen on most trips today