(8:00) 50 bottlenose dolphin, 20 common dolphin, 1 red-footed booby (rare)
(10:00) 200 bottlenose dolphin
(10:30 tern) 75 bottlenose dolphin, 5 flying fish
(10:30 shearwater) 70 bottlenose dolphin, 150 common dolphin, 1 brown booby (rare)
(12:30) 1 minke whale, 300 common dolphin
(1:00 tern) 1 minke whale, 200 common dolphin
(1:00 shearwater) 1 minke whale, 100 common dolphin
(3:30 charter) 1 minke whale, 100 common dolphin
(5:45) 150 common dolphin
(5:45 charter) 100 common dolphin m
Photo of the day by photographer/deckhand Kristin Campbell of a flying fish